The Wanderer – Celtiberian Settlement Phase 1


Finally a blog post! It’s been a long time without updates…

After a couple of weeks working on the Celtiberian Settlement (still a provisory title) I understood that I eventually would have to shorten the scope of the project, at least for now. With this in mind, I started to focus more on setting up a smaller scene instead of an entire village and surrounding terrain, I’d focus only on a smaller scale environment, meanwhile, I’d be learning new tools/techniques and defining the art style for the project. That’s what I did! I’ve created a smaller environment with only a couple of houses and some surrounding terrain that allowed me to learn and experiment with vegetation and Nature in general.


I didn’t completely put aside the idea of making something more out of this idea/project, but I’d like it to be something special, for that reason I’ll need to give myself the time to learn and gain even more experience so that this may become something bigger and interactive. For now, however, this is the ending of the first stage of this project. I’ll take some time now to practice, create some more portfolio projects and a couple of studies – I might start doing a series of micro-projects in order to study specific subjects like terrain generation, trees and vegetation, etc.
So here it is! For now, I’ll leave you with some renders straight out of Unreal Engine 4. I know it’s far from being perfect, but for me, this project has led me to a breakthrough in regards to my skills. Hope you enjoy it! 😀


P.S: More news regarding the video diaries (the making of) coming soon… 🙂

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